<div style="font-size:1.3em; color:orange;">(Sometimes the overflow of text will drop below the edge of the screen. Scroll to see it all, click links to make choices.)</div>
We start in a bar, you just spent your last few coins on a glass of(link-reveal: " water.")[ It's currently November 2nd, the day before The Day Of The Dead (link-reveal:"ends.")[ You need to go visit your family in the land of the living, but to cross over the border you need at least 11,230 (link-reveal:"coins.")[ There's no way you can get that many coins by tommorrow.
<img src="assets/water.jpg" alt="image not loaded!">
Maybe you can ask around the bar to see if anyone can (link-reveal:"help you.")[
(link-reveal:"Follow your gut ")[and [[ run across the border->Make a run for it]]]
(link-reveal:"In a dark corner")[ you see the silhouette of a person do you want to [[talk to them?]]]
(link-reveal:"Head over to a table and ")[go [[talk to a customer.]]]
(link-reveal:"Go to the front of the bar")[ and [[talk to the bartender.]]]]]]]
(print: "<script>$('body').append('<audio src=\"assets/BAR.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\);</script>")
You leave the bar and begin to head towards the (link-reveal:"border.")[ You wonder if this is really such a good (link-reveal:"idea")[. If you get caught who knows when you can visit your family (link-reveal:"again")[ and even if you do get past the (link-reveal:"border")[, what are the chances of you getting through the land of the (link-reveal:"dead")[, and what if a patrol catches (link-reveal:"you")[. Your mind begins to spiral into a whole bunch of different (link-reveal:"scenarios")[. Eventually you end up in front of the [[ border.]]]]]]]]]
<audio src="assets/landofthedead.mp3" autoplay loop>
(print: "<script>$('audio').remove(\);setTimeout(function(\){ $('tw-passage'\).append('<audio src=\"assets/landofthedead.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\) }, 100);</script>")You aproach the hooded (link-reveal:"figure.")[ He says that if you give him five coins he will forge the necessary documents that you need to cross the (link-reveal:"border.")[
(if:$coins is >= 5)[ [[give him the coins.->get forged papers]]]
You have $coins coins]]
You walk up to a crowded table in the bar and ask the people sitting there if they can help you (link-reveal:"out")[. You hear a lot of ideas coming from them, but none of it is useful to (link-reveal:"you")[. Just when you are about to (link-reveal:"leave")[, from another table a man calls you over. He tells you of a shop that sells spirit guides which guide you through the land of the dead to the (link-reveal:"living")[. (link-reveal:"Although")[, people are known to be abandoned by their spirit guides in the desert to die.
[[go to shop]]]]]]]
<audio src="assets/BAR.mp3" autoplay loop>You go up to the bartender and ask if she knows any ways to cross the (link-reveal:"border")[. She tells you about an office that will give you the necessary papers to cross the border.
[[Head to the office->go get papers]]]
You feel the cold wet bricks of the jail (link-reveal:"cell")[, there are chains holding you in (link-reveal:"place.")[ You begin to fall asleep and when you wake up, you are back in the [[bar->Bar alternate]] where it all started]]
<img src="assets/prison.jpg" alt="image not loaded!" id="waterdropsHerePlz">
(print: "<script>$('audio').remove(\);setTimeout(function(\){ $('tw-passage'\).append('<audio src=\"assets/waterdrops.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\) }, 100);</script>")(set:$coins to $coins-5)
(set:$forgedpapers to 1)
You pay the hooded person 5 coins and begin to make your way towards the [[border->go to border]].
You now have $coins coins.
You head back to the bar
(link-reveal:"Follow your gut ")[and [[ run across the border->Make a run for it]]]
(link-reveal:"In a dark corner")[ you see the silhouette of a person do you want to [[talk to them?]]]
(link-reveal:"Head over to a table and ")[go [[talk to a customer.]]]
(link-reveal:"Go to the front of the bar")[ and [[talk to the bartender.]]]
(print: "<script>$('audio').remove(\)</script>")
(print: "<script>$('body').append('<audio src=\"assets/BAR.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\);</script>")
<big style="font-size:3em; text-align:center;">[[<img src="assets/the border of life and death - cover.png" style="width:125%; margin:-25% -12.5% 0;" alt="The BORDER BETWEEN LIFE and DEATH" ><br><br>//**Start**//->Bar]]</big>
(set:$forgedpapers to 0)
(set:$Run to 0)
(set:$papers to 0)
(set:$spirit to 0)
(enchant: "Start",(text-colour:#FF8C00))
You go to the shop and talk to the owner, he offers you a spirit guide that could help you cross the border for 10 coins.
(if: $coins is 10)[ [[Buy pet]]]
You have $coins coins.
(print: "<script>$('audio').remove(\);</script>")
<audio src="assets/bellstore.mp3" autoplay>You walk up to the (link-reveal:"border")[. It looms in front of you a great big wall, cold, (link-reveal:"grey")[, it makes you feel unwanted and cut off from the land of the (link-reveal:"living")[, but you must continue to visit your family.
[[walk up to border]]
(if: (history:) contains "Buy pet")[[[follow your spirit guide->find an opening]]]]]]
(print: "<script>$('audio').remove(\);setTimeout(function(\){ $('tw-passage'\).append('<audio src=\"assets/huum.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\) }, 100);</script>")
(set: $coins to $coins-10)
You hand over 10 (link-reveal:"coins")[, the owner goes to the back and brings you a cat, they run up and begin to rub against your (link-reveal:"ankle")[, how could this cute little thing leave you to die.
[[go to border]]]]
You have $coins coins
<img src="assets/cat.jpg" alt="image not loaded!">
<audio src="assets/Cat.mp3" autoplay>
You head over to the office to get your (link-reveal:"papers")[, when you get there you walk up to the (link-reveal:"receptionist")[, they give you a number and tell you to sit down and [[wait.]]]]
(set:$wait to 0 )
(print: "<script>$('audio').remove(\);</script>")
(print: "<script>$('body').append('<audio src=\"assets/typewriter.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\);</script>")You walk up to the (link-reveal:"border")[, a tall guard approaches you
[[talk to the guard]]
(print: "<script>$('body').append('<audio src=\"assets/landofthedead.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\);</script>")you follow the spirit guide through a hole in the (link-reveal:"border")[, and begin to make your way through the land of the [[dead->continue through]]]
(print: "<script>$('body').append('<audio src=\"assets/landofthedead.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\);</script>")(set: $wait to it+1 )
(if: $wait is <60)[You have waited for $wait minutes.](if: $wait is >=60)[You have waited for 1 hour, you finnaly get called up to go get your papers]
(if: $wait is <60)[ [[wait.]]] (if:$wait is 60)[ [[get called up]]]
(set: $papers to it+1 )
You walk into a room and a man hands you the papers you need.
(if: $papers is 1)[ [[get ID]]](if: $papers is 2)[ [[get passport]]](if: $papers is 3)[ [[get birth certificate]]](if: $papers is 4)[ [[get drivers lincense]]](if: $papers is 5)[ [[get renewed passport]]](if: $papers is 6)[ [[get proof of residence]]](if: $papers is 7)[ [[get renewed ID]]]
<audio src="assets/Call-bell-ding.mp3" autoplay>
You approach the (link-reveal:"guard")[, before you have a chance to talk he asks you for your papers.
(if: (history:) contains "go get papers")[You [[give him the papers]]]
(if: (history:) contains "get forged papers")[You [[give him fake papers]]]
You hand the guard your ID, he takes a look at it and then, asks for your passport.
(if: (history:) contains "get passport")[ [[give passport]]](else:)[ [[go get passport]]]
<audio src="assets/Stapling.mp3" autoplay>
You hand the forged papers you bought from the man at the bar, the guard flips through the papers, he gives you a looks and then raises the [[alarms.->Wakeup]]
<audio src="assets/landofthedead.mp3" autoplay loop>You collect your passport and head off to the [[border->go to border]]
<img src="assets/passport.jpg" alt="image not loaded!">
You collect your birth certificate and head off to the [[border->go to border]]
<img src="assets/bc.jpg" alt="image not loaded!">
You collect your Drivers license and head off to the [[border->go to border]]
<img src="assets/driverslicense.jpg" alt="image not loaded!">
As you make your way through the the land of the (link-reveal:"dead")[, you begin to feel hot and (link-reveal:"thirsty")[. Your spirit guide is also begining to act weird stopping and starting more frequently with no (link-reveal:"reason.")[
[[find water]]
[[find shelter]]
[[continue following spirit guide]]]]]
(print: "<script>$('audio').remove(\);</script>")
(print: "<script>$('body').append('<audio src=\"assets/desert.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\);</script>")You head back to the office to get the required [[papers->go get papers]]
You hand the guard your passport, he takes a look at it, and then asks for your birth certificate.
(if: (history:) contains "get birth certificate")[ [[give birth certificate]]](else:)[ [[go get birth certificate]]]
<audio src="assets/Stapling.mp3" autoplay>
You head back to the office to get the required [[papers->go get papers]]
You hand the guard your birth certificate, he takes a look at it and then, asks for your drivers licence.
(if: (history:) contains "get drivers lincense")[ [[give drivers licence]]](else:)[ [[go get drivers licence]]]
<audio src="assets/Stapling.mp3" autoplay>
You head back to the office to get the required [[papers->go get papers]]
You hand the guard your drivers licence, he takes a look at it and then, asks for you to renew your passport.(youve been going back and forth so long that your passport has expired.)
(if: (history:) contains "get renewed passport")[ [[give renewed passport]]](else:)[ [[renew passport]]]
<audio src="assets/Stapling.mp3" autoplay>
You head back to the office to get the required [[papers->go get papers]]
You hand the guard your renewd passport, he takes a look at it and then, asks for your proof of residence.
(if: (history:) contains "get proof of residence")[ [[give proof of residence]]](else:)[ [[go get proof of residence]]]
<audio src="assets/Stapling.mp3" autoplay>
You collect your ID and head off to the [[border->go to border]]
<img src="assets/ID.jpg" alt="image not loaded!">
You renew your passport and head off to the [[border->go to border]]
<img src="assets/Passport2.jpg" alt="image not loaded!">
You head back to the office to get the required [[papers->go get papers]]
You head back to the office to get the required [[papers->go get papers]]
You hand the guard your proof of residence, he takes a look at it and then, lets you through the border.
[[cross the border with papers]]
<audio src="assets/Stapling.mp3" autoplay>
You walk past the (link-reveal:"border")[, and begin to make your way towards the land of the (link-reveal:"living")[, after about an hour of walking through the land of the (link-reveal:"dead")[ you begin to see silhouette in the (link-reveal:"distance")[, In a few minutes you begin to make out the shape of three to four (link-reveal:"trucks")[, they stop right in front of you and a man hops (link-reveal:"out")[. He asks for you to give him everything you (link-reveal:"have")[ or you wont be seeing your family anytime soon.
[[Hand over your stuff]]
[[call the border guards]]
(print: "<script>$('audio').remove(\);</script>")
(print: "<script>$('body').append('<audio src=\"assets/desert.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\);</script>")You renew your ID and head off to the [[border->go to border]]
<img src="assets/ID2.jpg" alt="image not loaded!">
You get your proof of residence and head off to the [[border->go to border]]
<img src="assets/por.jpg" alt="image not loaded!">
You begin to look around for a small town with a well, or maybe a river or (link-reveal:"spring")[. You end up finding a jug of water next to a t-shirt and jeans.
[[collect water]]]
<img src="assets/jug.jpg" alt="image not loaded!">
You look around for a place to rest and cool (link-reveal:"off")[. You eventually find a nice overhang to rest your feet.
You continue to follow the spirit guide through the land of the (link-reveal:"dead")[. Your spirit guide is stopping more frequently (link-reveal:"now")[. You have no idea where you (link-reveal:"are")[ and you are getting more and more (link-reveal:"thirsty.")[
[[continue to follow spirit guide]]
[[try and find more water]]
[[leave spirit guide]]]]]]
(set: $coins to 0)
You hand over everything you (link-reveal:"have")[, papers, coins, (link-reveal:"everything")[. The man takes it and then (link-reveal:"leaves")[. You continue through the (link-reveal:"desert")[. After a while a white van pulls up to (link-reveal:"you")[. A border guard gets out and asks you to show him your [[papers.->get arrested]]]]]]]
(set: $papers to 1)
you scream for (link-reveal:"help")[ and all of a sudden cars, helicopters, and spirit animals surround the (link-reveal:"trucks")[. all of a sudden everything dissapears. and you continue through the land of the [[dead->continue walking]]]]
<audio src="assets/sample_mixdown.mp3" autoplay>you look at the guard and try and tell him what (link-reveal:"happened")[. The guard takes one look at (link-reveal:"you")[ and when you [[wake up->go to jail]]]]
you pick up the jug of (link-reveal:"water")[, take a quick (link-reveal:"sip")[. And
catch up to the spirit [[guide->continue following spirit guide]]]]
You fall a (link-reveal:"sleep")[. When you wake up there are two border guards who grab you by the (link-reveal:"arms")[, and throw you in the back of their [[truck->go to jail]]]]
You continue to follow the spirit (link-reveal:"guide")[, after awhile he turns (link-reveal:"around")[ and tells you to wait there while he checks something (link-reveal:"out")[. You wait for (link:"1")[(link:"2")[(link:"3")[(link:"4")[ 5 (link-reveal:"hours")[ you decide that your spirit guide wont come back and continue your way throught the [[desert->leave spirit guide]]]]]]]]]]
You look around to try and find some more water, after awhile you look behind a cactus and find another jug of water.
[[collect the water]]
<img src="assets/jug.jpg" alt="image not loaded!">
(set: $random to (random: 1, 3))
(if: $random is 1)[ You wander around (link-reveal:"lost")[, (link-reveal:"alone")[ your throat is dry from lack of (link-reveal:"water")[, and you begin to feel tired from the (link-reveal:"heat")[. You take a few more steps and then [[collapse->YOUDIE]]]]]]](if: $random is 2)[ You begin to wander arround the desert with no (link-reveal:"guide")[, eventually you begin to feel nauseous from lack of water and the [[heat.->go to jail]]]](if: $random is 3)[ You wander around (link-reveal:"lost")[, (link-reveal:"alone")[ your throat is dry from lack of (link-reveal:"water")[, and you begin to feel tired from the (link-reveal:"heat")[. You take a few more steps and then you [[find a shelter]]]]]]]
(set:$spirit to 1)
You pick up the jug and head back to the spirit (link-reveal:"guide")[, on your way back you cant see the spirit guide (link-reveal:"anywhere")[, there is only empty blacknes as far as the eye can [[see.->YOUDIE]]]]
Just when you are about to collapse you see an (link-reveal:"overhang")[, you crawl toward the the overhang and [[collapse->continue]]]
When you wake (link-reveal:"up")[, you feel (link-reveal:"fine")[, you are no longer tired or (link-reveal:"thirsty")[, its a (link-reveal:"miracle")[, you look around and notice a trail of feet heading away from you.
[[keep walking]]]]]]
You make your way through the land of the dead, the sun beats down on you and you begin to feel hot and thirsty.
[[Keep walking]]
(set: $walking to it +1)
(if: $walking is 20)[ you finally see a glimmer of light [[Run towards the light]]](else:)[You continue to walk through the land of the , wondering when you will see your family.
You've been walking for $walking hours.
[[Keep walking]]]
(if: $walking is <50)[ [[keep walking]]]
(set: $walking to it +1)You begin following the footsteps(if:$walking is >10)[ as you walk you look aroound(if:$walking is >15)[ you begin to notice things you havent noticed before(if: $walking is >20)[, a shrike skewering a dead mouse on a tree(if:$walking is >25)[, plastic bottles and contaniers litter the ground(if: $walking is >30)[, you begin to see more and more skeletons piling up as you go (if:$walking is >35)[, reaching up to your waist.(if: $walking is >40)[ you wade through the masses of bones and plastic. (if: $walking is >45)[Out of the corner of your eye you see a light coming from a crack in the darkness.
(if: $walking is >49)[ [[Run towards the light]]]]]]]]]]]
<audio src="assets/footsteps.mp3" autoplay>You begin to sprint towards the light breaking through (link-reveal:"it")[you get blasted by bright colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and (link-reveal:"purple")[ a path of marigolds lay infront of [[you.->The end]]]]
(print: "<script>$('audio').remove(\);</script>")
(print: "<script>$('body').append('<audio src=\"assets/landoftheliving.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\);</script>")You follow the path of marigolds through the land of the (link-reveal:"living")[, along the path you see images from your (link-reveal:"childhood")[. as you reach the end of the (link-reveal:"path")[ you see your family surrounding an [[altar->the end]]]]]
#########THE END
(enchant:"THE END", (text-colour: Orange))
(print: "<script>$('audio').remove(\);setTimeout(function(\){ $('tw-passage'\).append('<audio src=\"assets/Sad Mariachi.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\) }, 100);</script>")=><=
(enchant:"YOU DIE", (text-colour: #590303)+(text-style:'bold'))
<img src="assets/grave.jpg" alt="image not loaded!">
(print: "<script>$('audio').remove(\);setTimeout(function(\){ $('tw-passage'\).append('<audio src=\"assets/Sad Mariachi.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\) }, 100);</script>")Acording to the manager a year has passed.
(set:$wart to it +1)
You look around the (link-reveal:"bar.")[
(link-reveal:"In a dark corner")[ you see the silhouette of a person do you want to [[talk to them?]]]
(link-reveal:"Head over to a table and ")[go [[talk to a customer.]]]
(link-reveal:"Go to the front of the bar")[ and [[talk to the bartender.]]]
(link-reveal:"or ")[maybe[[ you could just run across the border->Make a run for it]] ]
You now have (set:$coins to $coins+5)$coins coins.(set: $years to it +1)
(print: "<script>$('body').append('<audio src=\"assets/BAR.mp3\" autoplay loop>'\);</script>")
You walk up to the (link-reveal:"border")[. It looms in front of you a great big wall, cold, (link-reveal:"grey")[, it makes you feel unwanted and cut off from the land of the (link-reveal:"living")[, but you must continue to visit your (link-reveal:"family")[. You take one more step and then start to sprint towards the (link-reveal:"border.")[ As you run you begin to hear voices (link-reveal:"yelling")[. (link-reveal:"Time slows")[ and your vision (link-reveal:"blurs")[. Your body begins to lose [[feeling->Wakeup]]]]]]]]]]
<audio src="assets/Heartbeat.mp3" autoplay loop>[[Wake up....->go to jail]](set:$Run to 1)
<audio src="assets/Heartbeat.mp3" stop>You hand the guard your proof of residence, he takes a look at it, and then asks for you to renew your ID.(youve been going back and forth so long that your ID has expired.)
(if: (history:) contains "get renewed ID")[ [[give renewed ID]]](else:)[ [[go renew ID->renew ID]]]
<audio src="assets/Stapling.mp3" autoplay>
(set: $run to it +1)
(if: $run is <10)[You slowly reach into your pocket and then sprint past the man. You run $run feet past the man.
[[run]]] (else:)[You slowly reach into your pocket and then sprint past the man. You run $run feet past the man.
<audio src="assets/footsteps.mp3" autoplay>A year has passed and you now have (set:$coins to $coins+5)$coins coins.(set: $years to it +1), you consider yourself lucky since you are on the land of the deads annual income list.(most people are not lucky enough to get this).
You head back to the (link-reveal:"bar.")[
(link-reveal:"In a dark corner")[ you see the silhouette of a person do you want to [[talk to them?]]]
(link-reveal:"Head over to a table and ")[go [[talk to a customer.]]]
(link-reveal:"Go to the front of the bar")[ and [[talk to the bartender.]]]
(link-reveal:"or ")[maybe[[ you could just run across the border.->Make a run for it]] ]]
(enchant: "BANG", (text-colour: #aa1212) + (text-style:'bold'))
<audio src="assets/Bang.mp3" autoplay>
<a href="javascript:location.reload()" id="floater">New Game</a>