Babe you have to get late to the offish
[[I do not care!]]WHAT!?!??!?!
[[Yup]]You have a SON!?!?!?!?
[[So]]You have to provide for us!??!
[[Swim to the ofFISH]]
[[Hide in the back]]You are at the ofFish
[[slack off]]hides in the seaaa weed
[[play on Fishtop]]
[[Fast swim to offish]]
[[slowly swim to offish]]you get ther YAY.
[[mega sleep]]You get ther late!
[[hide from manejer]]
[[run to desk]]You sleep for 10min.
[[sleep more]]
[[get up]]You go is a DEEP sleep...
[[Telaport]]You wake up WOW time done my shift is done!
[[The End creditssssss]] You open Fishtop
[[Cash of fish]]You get in game!
[[down]]You play TEN games.
[[get up!]]Playd for 20 Games.
[[GET UP]]
[[MorE]]Get up!
[[I am]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.What to dooo
[[Do fish report]]
[[game makeing]]Yor buss caches you!
[[Iwas tesing this game!]]
[[Im tired]]NO! fired boiiiiiii
[[...]]Ok man!
[[I work now.]]
[[Can I sleep?]]KK
[[fake Work]]Sure "Bro"
[[Get up and screem]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.ijiuhyuyfytutyruttcyvftftv tfytrdrydrcfrtcttrtdvtt *typing*
[[Tell boss fish how you are doing]]
[[Say goooood]]You fake work now what?
[[Pack fish]]
[[megafish (Megaman)]]You hide behind a desk
[[hey rat you out >:)]]
[[??]]You wake up! End?
[[The End creditssssss]] Yo boss man come over I gotz to show my work!!!
[[Show the bugs in game]]
[[Show him a new item you made]]Double-click this passage to edit sudently remem bet you play this in the real world!
[[What]]You fina one level.
[[1 more]]
[[stop]]The End!?!??!?!you do report and Stufff
[[show to boss]]
[[Stop get help]]Double-click this passage to edit it.You are alive
You dead
[[ Get up]]...
[[hide in the attic]]
[[Play with old toys]]
[[Make vudo doll >:)]]Double-click this passage to edit it.old horse or sUmMon a DeMON!!!
[[suMmone]]you make vudo doll it makes you do summon!
[[suMmone]] This is not fun!
[[suMmone]]You make EVIL sircle!
[[Put horse in center]]It glowws REDD!!!!
[[Run!]]Big demon Horsee comes upp!!!
[[Ride it]]
[[Get it's powersss]]You fall out of the window and di- o sorry what? ok got it take two and go. Fall and go sleep time. Is that good director?
[[The End creditssssss]] you ride to...
[[into the dark dimenshon?!?!!??]]You get the awesome pawa
[[destroy the WORLD]]
[[live for ever!]]EnD BooOooOMMM
[[The End creditssssss]] All of the fish are twamatized :)
[[horsee eat them]]
[[Make them slave]]You get in
[[....]]Good end YAY!!! or is it?good you chose this one YAY sadly im keeping this PG so they get to go to new dimenshon YAAAY.
[[ok]]They get you food and stuff are you ok with this?
[[Yes]]You do this Bla Bla Bla the world go BOOM god now my shift is over! O and good Ending.
[[The End creditssssss]] You live past time it self Yay boom the wold go bey bye...
[[The End creditssssss]] END END uwbrgurhguerhuehguehijfierhiherghigihg hi hi
[[The End creditssssss]] Firedddddddddd Endddddd
[[The End creditssssss]] you send them to man eating betle world YAY
[[are hey going to die!?]]No silly
[[ooo]]They are going to get maga die
[[Noo-]]The end weee are dooone >:)
[[The End creditssssss]] you kil- send some to another world
[[The End creditssssss]]>:)
[[The End creditssssss]] hfrurufhheuguehgurghiregiegruih "stuff" ieifjwighergrirhguh8gh885hg85 "fish" i80g8gh8egh8e9gh894h848e4h8fh8e4h894eh98488 "labfish" uhh8ig48hweuhfuhg43t8y84furbhugeuufhh "so funny" ygfdyegfuwghfurhghhirwhuehgiheurhgrgiehogoigeureghiuehrfbuwebu "so good".uivureurguhuhreuhreuuerfureuhfufuefueuurehf ">:)" ineuf3ufuid32jdiejdijdededenuidfufn34ufu3fuiufefnur.uifugrusdurhgureuhnfuvnurnuehgiruhgueui "Hehehehehe" ehgurhguehugheruhgeruhguerhurehguerhugerg wfugrhuhgreuirhurehuergurehgurehgurehguierhguierhgueruierhguerhugiegurehguehgurehguierhgurhurgehguierHe says "IT IS BAD"
[[...']]Double-click this passage to edit it."just kiding Just stop
[[What!?!?!]]NO JUST STOP!!!
[[What am I doing?!?!?!?]]You are Error Code 11-24-34
[[8-09-11]]No 11-24-34
[[Error Code 66-345-789]]
[[Error Code 77-234-567]]Sorry Im solving some problems but here!
[[The End creditssssss]] Havig some problems here
[[The End creditssssss]] No you are not!!!
[[Yes I am]]oK So wHaT Is yORe PorpOse In LifE?!?!??!
[[I do not know]]Double-click this passage to edit it.You push yore luck and die to a boss level!
[[more]]you wake up because you ask nicely!
[[The End creditssssss]] You remenber what to do to wake up!
[[combo up up down side up down left right B A start!]]
[[Up up down down left right left right B A start]]you did not get in o noooooooooooooooooo you did not wake up!
[[:(]]You wake up!
[[The End creditssssss]] [[The End creditssssss]] Double-click this passage to edit it.You explane the bugs...
[[So this player "TheRealMan" found a bug in the sistem just look.. *TheRealMan finds infinet gold*]]
[[So tony you see this shalatsa ya some how this punk found out how to get INFINET gold ya I know not good bro im paching it UP]]You explane the new item...
[[So how this new item works is that if the player destroys a mod or other player they will get a boost]]
[[So tony wen this dude destroysss the other dude or like I do not know... like a monster he will gain a like aaa BOOST]]YOU MADE IT tooooooooo the dance ending *Fish dancing in backround* YOU ARE STUCK here FOR EVER!!!New Game