PICO8 Wanderer Alterations

The following notes refer to LITE HROZGO template and will allow you to move your character off screen and load the next map over.

Find a line that looks like this (prolly line 5 on tab 0):

actors = {}

paste this underneath it:

mapx = 0
mapy = 0

Find a line that looks like this (prolly on line 131 on tab 0):

spr(sprite, a.x*8-4, a.y*8-4, 1, 1, a.left)

Replace it with this:

spr(sprite,(a.x-mapx)*8-4, (a.y-mapy)*8-4, 1, 1, a.left)

Find a line that looks like this (prolly on line 141 on tab 0):

return ani[flr((t % (#ani * fr)) / fr)+1]
end -- func ani_helpr

paste this underneath it:

function mapswitch(x,y)

  mapx += x
  mapy += y

end --func mapswitch

Find some lines that look like this (prolly on line 26 on tab 2)

 if hrozgo.x > 16.3 then hrozgo.x = -0.3 end
 if hrozgo.y > 16.3 then hrozgo.y = -0.3 end
 if hrozgo.x < -0.3 then hrozgo.x = 16.3 end
 if hrozgo.y < -0.3 then hrozgo.y = 16.3 en

replace them with this:

 if hrozgo.x - mapx > 16.3 then mapswitch(16,0)  end
 if hrozgo.y - mapy > 16.3 then mapswitch(0,16)  end
 if hrozgo.x - mapx < -0.3 then mapswitch(-16,0) end
 if hrozgo.y - mapy < -0.3 then mapswitch(0,-16) end

Find the line that looks like this (prolly on line 9 on tab 3)


replace it with this:
