PICO-8 Character Design
Mar 23–May 4 2022
- HIVE’s PICO-8 videos - watch first one to get on your PICO-8 feet, the rest if you want to jumpstart your coding skillz for a future HIVE project on your own time
- Intro to music in PICO-8 - there is a video at top and a bunch of notes and overviews in the unfurlable section headings underneath
- PICO-8 in the browser - tinker with PICO-8 code right in your browser! Works on Windows, MacOS, Chromebook——even iOS and Android——but external keyboard is necessary if you're connecting from a phone or tablet!
-- flipbookery -- by @mrhoatzin & students dude={ frames={0,2,4,8,10,10,10,10,10,8,6,4,0}, sfx={[3]=1}, w=2, h=2, x=63, y=63, scale=4 } function _draw() cls(13) local frame=flipbook(dude.frames, dude.sfx) sspr(frame%16*8,frame\16*8, dude.w*8,dude.h*8, dude.x-dude.scale*4*dude.w,dude.y-dude.scale*4*dude.h, dude.scale*8*dude.w, dude.scale*8*dude.h ) end fr=10 function flipbook(a,b) local index=flr((t()*fr)%#a+1) --print(index,10,10,8) if b and b[index] and stat(46)~=b[index] then sfx(b[index],0) end return a[index] end
Things to try:
- in the prompt type load #wobblepaint
- ctrl+8 to set animated gif starting point, ctrl+9 to save out the animated gif