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What's Neocities?

  1. Neocities is a neat website in which you can build your own website using HTML, CSS, and other things! It's super bare-bones, but the possibilities are endless. Think late '90s/early 2000s-type website design. Think of the Space Jam website. Tacky, but cool.
  2. Unless you need more than 1 GB of memory, neocities is completely free. You just need an email to sign up with, and a password to remember. If you don't already have an email, we making your own instead of using one that belongs to a parent/guardian/not you.
  3. Share the URL to your new site with your HIVElords!!
  4. NOTE: If you think you may forget your password, please let the HIVElords know. We will keep it stored and safe for you just in case.

So, what are we making?

  1. You will be making your own online portfolio. Don't scream— it will be fun.
    -a home page -an about/bio page -an art page
  3. At the very least, make these. Otherwise, the world is your one gigabyte oyster.

....but I don't know how to code!

  1. I said no screaming. Don't worry, here are some cool and fun and easy-to-follow tutorials/resources to help you get started:
  2. Neocities has very helpful tutorials on how to get started with HTML and CSS.
  3. Absolute beginner's guide to Neocities. A step-by-step-guide on how to start from square one.
  4. Web Design for Kids: CSS. CSS is how you make your website pretty, so this is important.


  1. Noah/Noelle (HIVE HS)
  2. Emmanuelle (HIVE studio assistant)